Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Goldas Kitchen Decorating Basics Student Kit 1

Get the best deal for Goldas Kitchen Decorating Basics Student Kit 1 is trending. This cool product is currently available, you might purchase it now for just $60.50 and often ships in 24 hours.

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Product Information

This collection of cake decorating tools provides all of the required and several recommended supplies for the Wilton Decorating Basics course, an introductory course in which students learn the fundamentals of decorating cakes, cupcakes, and cookies.
Set of 49: 12 decorating tips (round tips 1, 3, and 12; star tips 16, 18, and 21; open star tip 1M; petal tip 104; leaf tip 352; bismarck tip 230; drop flower tip 2D; and multi-opening tip 233), flower nail (1�"), 2 reusable piping bags (10"), 4 standard couplers, practice board with stand and patterns, palette knife (4" blade), piping gel (10 ounce), meringue powder (4 ounce), 6 disposable piping bags (12"), 6 parchment triangles (15"), decorating brush, cupcake nail, and 12 flower nail template stickers.
NOTE: Your Wilton course instructor may require or recommend additional or fewer products for the Decorating Basics class then those included in this kit; check with your class location/instructor for the complete list of items required for your course

Strong Feat

  • This collection of cake decorating tools provides all of the required and several recommended s...
  • Set of 49: 12 decorating tips (round tips 1, 3, and 12; star tips 16, 18, and 21; open star tip

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